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Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU


Coordinated actions to improve wolf-human coexistence at the alpine population level




our project


LIFE WolfAlps EU is an international team working to mitigate the impact of wolves on livestock breeding, find a balance between the world of hunting and the presence of predators, counteract poaching, manage wolf-human related issues and disseminate correct information about the species based on scientific data.

Discover more about the wolf

Answers to the most frequent questions about the species

Misconceptions about the wolf

The most common misconceptions about the species
“No, the wolf hasn't been reintroduced”

In Europe, wolves have never been reintroduced to an area. The expansion of the wolf in Italy and in the Alps, as well as in other European regions, in the last forty years is the result only and…

“No, the number of wolves will not grow exponentially at the local scale”

Nature is too wise for that. The wolf is an apex predator at the top of the food chain: if the wolves became too numerous, they would end up reducing the number of prey too much, threatening the…

Have you come across a possible fake news about the wolf? Tell us about it and we will check it!
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