Following the tracks of the OFB's Wolf Prevention Intervention Units in France (ENG subtitles)
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International workshop on Responsible wolf ecotourism and junior citizen programmes for nature conservation
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds 8 Young Ranger
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds 7 Stewardship
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds 6 Ecotourism
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds 5 Prey Predator Human Activities
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds 4 Hybridization
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds: 3 Anti Poaching
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds: 2 Prevention
LifeWolfAlpsEU 60Seconds 1 Wolf Monitoring
Myrtille and Carlo, LIFE WolfAlps EU antipoison dog unit
Luna e Gian Abele, unità cinofila antiveleno del progetto LIFE WolfAlps EU
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