Action C3 winter activities in France: Understanding predator-prey dynamics
Winter monitoring of camera traps
Since November, the LWA EU OFB team has monitored 40 camera traps placed in the Bauges National Hunting and Wildlife Reserve (RNCFS). The camera traps were placed in three valleys to facilitate access and to maximise wolf detection.

To date, over 52 000 photographs have been collected during winter, with 123 wolf and 8 lynx sightings (including a female with two subadults).

Winter captures of roe deer
Since January, 6 cages have been activated for captures over 10 weeks. As a result of this effort, two roe deer have been tagged: an adult female with a GPS collar and a subadult male with a radio collar (VHF).

Biometric measurements for health assessment were conducted to both animals before they were promptly released into the wild.

The study will continue and the summer set-up of 60 camera traps will start again in spring.
Stay tuned for more news!