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Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU


Teachers have a fundament role in transferring new knowledge, sensibilizing and involving the new generations in environmental education both inside and outside school walls.

Teachers who show their face: here are some of the teachers who collaborate with the project – their stories, their experiences, their projects and teaching experiences.

Angela Fraja Bianchi

Angela Fraja Bianchi

Angela Fraja Bianchi

Job Title


I would like to share my experience at the Life Wolf Alps EU Winter School, which was really interesting and enriching: a unique opportunity to meet specialists in the field and immerse myself in a stimulating, knowledge-rich environment.
During the Winter School, I had the opportunity to deepen my knowledge of the wolf and explore numerous aspects related to its presence on the territory. The experts shared their experiences and expertise with me, guiding me on a path of in-depth learning.
Through the lectures, discussions and practical activities, I understood the importance of the wolf’s ecological roles and developed a greater awareness of the challenges this species faces in conservation and coexistence with humans.
The insights I received during the Winter School were numerous and of great value. I am sure that my work as a teacher and in environmental education will benefit greatly from this experience. The new knowledge will help me to communicate more effectively the importance of wolf conservation and coexistence with humans, involving people and promoting greater understanding and awareness of these issues.
The Winter School in Morbegno was a wonderful opportunity for personal and professional growth, and I am thrilled to be able to contribute to the communication and dissemination of such an important, topical and controversial issue.



Environmental educator, Parco di Montevecchia e Valle del Curone (LC), Italy


Job Title

Environmental educator, Parco di Montevecchia e Valle del Curone (LC), Italy


In my thirty years of work as an environmental educator, the wolf has always had a privileged place; its tracks this time
have taken me to Albino (BG). The participation in the two-day Winter School 2023 (Orobie Bergamasche) organised within the framework of the LIFE WOLFALPS EU Project thanks to the expertise of the speakers and the fruitful exchange of information, ideas and operational methods with other educators and teachers
certainly enriched my cultural and professional background.
A very positive educational experience, definitely to be repeated.



Environmental educator and archaeologist for Monte Barro Park, Curone Park, Groane Park and Adda Nord Park


Job Title

Environmental educator and archaeologist for Monte Barro Park, Curone Park, Groane Park and Adda Nord Park


The Winter school in the Orobie Bergamasche Park was a wonderful opportunity to meet new specialists who allowed me to put in order the numerous but vague knowledge I possessed and to appreciate many new aspects, not only concerning the wolf itself but, in general, the type of scientific approach adopted to study it.
The insights I received are many and certainly my work for environmental education will benefit from this experience.
It would be nice if it became a regular event, so that we could explore a different aspect of the Park each year.




Job Title


An intense training with a scientific and popular slant that allowed me, as a teacher of literature, to learn more about the wolf as an integral part of a complex and stratified ecosystem, of which man is an integral part, together with other large carnivores and the animal world in general.
On the subject of the wolf, being a literature teacher, I had previously proposed titles for children in my reading courses (e.g. Festa, Pennac, London). This course has given me a lot of ideas to propose in the classroom, together with teaching activities in and out of the classroom, in collaboration with other figures who are fundamental for a truly formative approach to environmental education and capable of involving the school and the entire community around it. I recommend this experience to teachers of all school levels, certain that they will find endless avenues of work to explore and a very rich sitography to draw on.

Gisella Racca

Gisella Racca

Environmental educator Austria

Gisella Racca

Job Title

Environmental educator Austria


My, or rather our, experience as a school has certainly been very interesting and stimulating: starting with the training for us teachers and ending with the project for local schools EUlulati sulle Alpi proper, organised by the Protected Areas of the Maritime Alps and carried out in the Vernante site.
The children, already very curious and motivated even before starting the activities, had the opportunity to learn a lot not only about the wolf as an animal in itself, but also about its being a social animal, with precise roles within its pack. But not only that, they also had the opportunity to understand how fundamental it is to our forest ecosystem and to go beyond the common thought about it being seen, for many, still as an element of danger and annoyance.
Also very useful was the direct confrontation with the shepherd and the hunter, from whom they received a lot of input and subsequently a lot of ideas for going beyond the social prejudices that unfortunately exist about this animal. From this experience, many pupils came away impressed and fascinated not only with the animal, but also with the professional role of the park ranger.

Eva G.

Eva G.

Environmental educator, Austria

Eva G.

Job Title

Environmental educator, Austria


As a Environmental educator, I always convey the bigger picture of a healthy ecosystem. Thanks to the 2-day seminar, I can now also better understand the role of wolves and advocate for a peaceful coexistence.

Anne von Hatten

Anne von Hatten

EDD Educator at Alpes Maritimes , France

Anne von Hatten

Job Title

EDD Educator at Alpes Maritimes , France


I already had the opportunity to collaborate with the first LIFE WOLFALPS project (2013-2018) to participate in the Summer school in Trento in 2014. In September 2020 I gladly repeated the experience, which gave me excellent insights and new stimuli and insights to work with my classes. I would like to thank the experts who followed us with great professionalism and gave us the opportunity to compare different points of view, bringing together pupils and teachers with breeders, hunters, biologists, park rangers and veterinarians to give a complete view of the wolf issue. It is a good way to stimulate the critical spirit and the formation of independent and informed opinions in children… and adults! The knowledge gained and the materials shared by the project will come in handy in the years to come.

Anna Maria Tardivo

Anna Maria Tardivo

Istituto Comprensivo di Robilante "Edoardo Vercelletti"

Anna Maria Tardivo

Job Title

Istituto Comprensivo di Robilante "Edoardo Vercelletti"


I already had the opportunity to collaborate with the first LIFE WOLFALPS project (2013-2018) to participate in the Summer school in Trento in 2014. In September 2020 I gladly repeated the experience, which gave me excellent insights and new stimuli and insights to work with my classes. I would like to thank the experts who followed us with great professionalism and gave us the opportunity to compare different points of view, bringing together pupils and teachers with breeders, hunters, biologists, park rangers and veterinarians to give a complete view of the wolf issue. It is a good way to stimulate a critical spirit and the formation of independent and informed opinions in children… and adults! The knowledge gained and the materials shared by the project will come in handy in the years to come.

Franz F.

Franz F.

Secondary school teacher, Austria

Franz F.

Job Title

Secondary school teacher, Austria


The training offered a wealth of interesting facts and news about the wolf, which can be used perfectly in biology lessons. With the child-friendly teaching materials, the wolf can be brought directly into the classroom.



Secondary school teacher, Austria


Job Title

Secondary school teacher, Austria


It was very interesting to see everything from a different perspective. The speaker addressed the questions very appropriately. I congratulate you on the good idea of making the seminar digital: for the good of the environment! Again and again!

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