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Available on-line the Summary of best practices for wolf population management

11 February 2025
Aree Protette Alpi Marittime

The summary of best practices for wolf population management in now available on-line. The document, outlined by the project partner Zavod za gozdove Slovenije (Slovenian Forest Service), is a selected collection of methods and initiatives that have been applied in the LIFE WolfAlps EU project within the participating project areas. They range wide as a response to diverse threats identified at the beginning of the project, the most important being Conservation and Management Fragmentation.

Some of them derive from best practices of the LIFE WOLFALPS project (LIFE12 NAT/IT/000807) which dealt with the Italian and Slovenian part of the Alpine wolf population. The solutions to specific threats and challenges were applied
and tested during the project. They are linked to the challenges and their purpose or instructions for use can therefore be easily recognized by anyone facing the same challenges.
The purpose of the document is to provide a toolbox of best practices as an example for other transboundary large carnivore populations in Europe where management at the population level is rarely done in practice. But with generalization, they can also be used as a guide for authorities that share the responsibility for conserving wildlife in general.