Communication news

Exchange of experiences in Switzerland

26 October 2020
Slovenia Forest Service

In the beginning of September, Slovenia Forest Service organized an excursion to the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland with the aim of exchanging experiences with the association AGRIDEA on agricultural practices in alpine areas where conflicts with wolves occur regularly. Different profiles of participants attended the excursion, including foresters, biologists, farmers, livestock guarding dog breeders, representatives from the Slovenian Environment Agency and agricultural experts.

Throughout the excursion, experts and stakeholders had the opportunity to discuss challenges and ideas on how to improve damage prevention practices in collaboration with farmers. Colleagues from AGRIDEA presented their program which supports the use of livestock guarding dogs and gives a chance to livestock breeders to receive adult dogs for protection of their herds. We also visited different alpine farms which use electric fences to protect the animals. All these practices are similar to those used in Slovenia, but there is always room for improvements and the excursion was a great opportunity to broaden our knowledge and the view on the topic to improve damage prevention systems in Slovenia.