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Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU

Fourth International LIFE WolfAlps EU Conference – France

Is the grass always greener elsewhere?

The natural return of the wolf throughout the Alps over the past 30 years poses numerous challenges to coexistence with human activities.

Different approaches are used to tackle these challenges. Yet, because management strategies are implemented at the national or regional level, their equivalent in neighbouring countries is often misunderstood and sometimes idealized the grass hence always looks greener elsewhere.

The speakers invited at this international conference will detail the management strategy implemented in their respective geographical areas (Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Slovakia and others) and exchange on the challenges and practices used to try to reconcile human activities and the presence of the predator.

The ZOOM conference offers simultaneous translation in the 5 LWA EU languages: French, English, Italian, German and Slovenian.

Download the conference proceedings HERE.

The conference is available in replay on the Youtube channel of the project

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