The immersive exhibition “Through the eyes of the wolf” moves to the Maritime Alps, Italy
The exhibition “Through the eyes of the wolf“ was inaugurated on June 10th 2023 in the St Francis Monumental Complex in Cueno, Itlaly.
An exhibition with visual and sound suggestions that allow us to enter the mind of a wolf in dispersion. An animal that goes in search of new territories in which to settle, “start a family” and live out its day of encounters and clashes, new discoveries and trials. Engaging displays to make visitors feel special emotions but also to deepen their knowledge of the wild animal and find answers to the most common curiosities. How many are there? What do I do if I meet a wolf? Is it true that they howl at the moon? and so on.

At the opening of the exhibition, greetings and institutional speeches by the mayor Patrizia Manassero, culture councillor Cristina Clerico, president of the Alpi Marittime Protected Areas Piermario Giordano and councillor Michelangelo Pellegrino of the CRC Foundation, which contributed to the initiative sponsored by the Cuneo municipality.
The Mayor Manassero The councillor Clerico

The institutional presentation was followed by a chat between the communicator manager of the LIFE Wolfalps EU project and Muse Laura Scillitani and Luigi Boitani, professor emeritus at Rome’s La Sapienza University and Italy’s leading wolf expert. The two talked about the wolf and its relationship with man: “Coexistence, compromise between man and wolf is the only way forward, said Boitani. What does this mean? That both parties give up something, as we do at home with our partners, man accepts a certain amount of damage, in terms of predation (ed. for which the community must take responsibility, he also pointed out) and the wolf takes a certain share of the withdrawal, in those situations that cannot be resolved with the means we already have (guard dogs, livestock defence systems…) . In Italy we have no other solution, it is not possible to separate man from nature‘.

In the morning at the Monumental Complex a Workshop for Journalists of the Piemonte Journalist association. Dr. Elisa Avanzinelli, techincal manager of the LWA EU project, talk about the return of the species and updated numbers, Dr. Arianna Menzano, LWA EU project veterinarian, address the issue of wolf damage to domestic livestock, and Dr. Laura Scillitani, LWA EU biologist and communication manager, talk about fake news and informed communication.

The exhibition “In the Mind of the Wolf” was realised as part of the LIFE WolfAlps EU Project by the Trento Muse and the Alpi Marittime Protected Areas, respectively partner and communication co-ordinator and leader of the European project.
From Sunday 11 June, the exhibition is open to the public until 3 September every day, except Mondays, with free admission and opening hours 3.30-6.30 pm.
During the exhibition period there will be activities and workshops for children, bicycle excursions with a visit to the Men and Wolves Centre, and conferences with the participation also of the Gesso and Stura River Park.
Check out the programme!