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Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU

Exhibition: Through the eyes of the wolf

An immersive experience to live the coexistence

“Through the eyes of the wolf” is an immersive exhibition that makes us live, thanks to video and audio effects, a day in the Alps from the point of view of a a young wolf in dispersal, searching for a territory and a partner with whom to found his new pack.

Exhibition: Through the eyes of the wolf - Life Wolfalps EU

Thanks to immersive technology and a sensory and empathic approach, visitors to the exhibition will be transported into the mountains, through forests, streams, meadows (but also villages and roads), exchanging roles with the wolf.

Exhibition: Through the eyes of the wolf - Life Wolfalps EU
Exhibition: Through the eyes of the wolf - Life Wolfalps EU
Exhibition: Through the eyes of the wolf - Life Wolfalps EU

An experience to feel coexistence and its challenges from the point of view of a wild animal, living in a man-made environment and trying to adapt to it, moving at night or hiding from our view.

Exhibition: Through the eyes of the wolf - Life Wolfalps EU

Do you want to learn more?

Here some info on wolf biology: wolf in the Alps


Here all info on prevention measures:

What are WPIU


Here info on urban and bold wolves:

I saw a wolf!


And here what LWA EU does to decrease habitat fragmentation

A year moving across the Alps

The exhibition realised by MUSE and inaugurated on 4 November 2022 was open to the public in Trento until 28 May 2023 and was hosted for the three summer months by the Alpi Marittime Protected Areas, the project coordinator, at the San Francesco monumental complex in Cuneo from 10 June to 3 September. Regione Lombardia then hosted the exhibition at the Palazzo Lombardia in Milan from 11 September to 15 October. As described in the dedicated pages, the audio-visual installation accompanied by explanatory panels, in Cuneo and Milan was combined with ad hoc exhibition itineraries created to enrich the large spaces and offer the public further content to deepen their knowledge of the wolf and to answer various curiosities related to the animal.

The exhibition attracted a considerable number of visitors, about 45,000 at MUSE, 4,000 in Cuneo and 1,900 in Milan, also thanks to the many initiatives proposed to involve tourists and locals, from animations for the youngest, to guided tours, ecotourism initiatives and information evenings with experts

There are many testimonies from visitors collected during this year’s Alpine tour of the immersive exhibition, which convey their appreciation for the experience offered and their desire to learn more about a subject about which the population actually has very little knowledge.

Some of the testimonies from MUSE:

“I never imagined that it could be so complicated for a wolf to live in an environment with a strong human imprint.”

“I didn’t expect it, but I was really excited”.

Some testimonies from Cuneo:

Some testimonies from Milan

“Thank you for this special opportunity to see the world through the eyes of the wolf Disclosure is very important to understand that large carnivores are neither cartoon characters nor terrible monsters. Knowledge to understand and respect everyone’s role on our planet’

“Excellent initiative. It is also useful to teach co-existence between hikers and the residents and large inhabitants of our rural and wild areas. To be disseminated in schools of all ages and every province, also by disseminating the video and information material”

“Very interesting experience! Important event to promote knowledge of the wolf and get rid of old myths. Great initiative to educate the youngest and… also adults. Thanks to all”

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