Playing hiding and chase with the Young Rangers
With a group of 6-9 year olds, we first took a look on a globe where wolves are present in the world. (We also saw that Australia is another part of America on the other side of the globe.) We were fascinated by the litter on the ground in a small underpass under the railway, which led us on a short walk outside Pivka – with a little bit of sun and a little bit of raindrops. That’s right, the wolf was the red thread of the day.

We howled like wolves – but inside, because we know that if there is a wolf pack actually at home near Pivka, we might upset them outside. We watched short films about the wolf in the cave of the DINA Pivka Centre and also talked about the fact that a wolf can kill several sheep in one night, why this happens and what we know about ways to protect grazing animals. We compared a shepherd dog and a sheepdog – because it is a completely different job (although they can both work for the same organisation). Since we already know Little Red Riding Hood, we listened to the story of the Forgetful Riding Hood, and we used Little Red Riding Hood for a game of chase, where the wolf chased the Grannies and the Caps.
Either way, if the children had about as good a time as the group leaders, we can say we had a good day.
“Where do wolves live?”
We followed the content of the Young Ranger booklet

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The DINA Pivka Centre organises various workshops throughout the summer as active holiday care for children. In the last week before school started, we spent a day with Manca Velkavrh from the Biotechnical Faculty about the wolf, using the Young Ranger programme booklet. This is an international programme developed through the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project, and you can pick up the booklet (and later a prize for the children!) yourself at the DINA Pivka Centre. You are invited to a colourful exploration on your own!