Public attitudes towards the wolf and its conservation in the Alps in 2021
The existence of large carnivores depends on successful coexistence with humans. Large carnivore conservation is also influenced by how they are perceived by particular stakeholder groups.
In the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project we will conduct two public attitude surveys in order to gather stakeholders’ opinions.

We have already conducted the first one in 2021, involving the general public, breeders, hunters, employees in tourism and education, members of nature conservation organisations and journalists. The questionnaire that we used included questions on attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about the wolf and opinions on different wolf management measures. You can read the report about the results of this attitude research here.

Right now we are preparing to launch the second survey which we will conduct this year. After we collect the questionnaire responses we will prepare a final report about the survey and publish it on the web page of the project.