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Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU

Environmental associations

Io Non Ho Paura Del Lupo

Io Non Ho Paura Del Lupo

Environmental association

Io Non Ho Paura Del Lupo

Job Title

Environmental association


Io non ho paura del lupo” is an association composed by people who work and live in the mountain, citizens, passionate for nature and professionals. The association was born with the aim of favouring coexistence between wolves and human activities. Since its establishment, the association is active on several topics: dissemination of correct information on the wolf and wildlife in general, monitoring wolf on the Alps and Apennines through non-invasive methods, creating communication campaigns through media and multimedia platforms,with a Facebook page with more than 70000 followers with the aim of spreading information and create a respectful debate.

Io non ho paura del lupo regularly organize field events for its member, events for the general public, and all the stakeholders who can be in conflicts with the wolf.



Accordo di Stewardhip

Organisation of public events and trekking having as a topic the wolf, in areas where the species is present and with the aim of engaging the farmers/breeders/shepherds who live in that area and adopt preventive measure to coexist with wolves. The specific topic and activities of each field trip/public event might differ depending on the context, but they must always include at least a visit to a “virtuous” farmer/breeder/shepherd who can illustrate his/her experiences and issues in coexisting with the wolf. In that occasion a refreshing stop will be organized, during which the farmer/breeder/shepherd can sell his/her products

WWF Trentino

WWF Trentino

Environmental association

WWF Trentino

Job Title

Environmental association


In Trentino, WWF took its first steps in 1968: the first regional section in the country, directing all its energies to the protection of the last, surviving specimens of brown bears. Today, its activities include actions to counter urbanisation dynamics, direct protection of fauna and flora and environmental education also directly through the management of the only WWF Oasis in the Alps (Valtrigona) and an Oasis in Val di Non (Valli dello Sporeggio – Maso Fraton), as well as a constellation of protected plots within the Inghiaie nature area (Levico Terme).

Accordo di Stewardhip

WWF Trentino will collaborate with the project in communication and awareness raising on the issues of coexistence between wolves and human activities. The project will also support WWF Trentino in the valorisation of the Valtrigona alpine WWF Oasis as a reference point for the communication of the species and coexistence issues.



Environmental association


Job Title

Environmental association


Although dogs have been used in other areas for a long time, the targeted use of dogs in nature conservation and species protection is still not widespread in Austria. Starting from a small group of committed biologists and dog handlers, the association Naturschutzhunde was founded in 2019 with the aim of promoting this type of dog work and making it better known. Currently, around 20 human-dog teams are working on various projects ranging from the detection of wolf scats, to protected insects or birds or bats killed by wind turbines.

Accordo di Stewardhip

Naturschutzhunde and the project will cooperate on two axes: information and training. We will disseminate science-based information on wolves and their return to Austria to dog-owners and especially people who work with their dogs out in the field. This will include online and practical training on wolf biology, recognising presence signs of wolves and correct behaviour when encountering wolves.

Gruppo Ornitologico Lombardo

Gruppo Ornitologico Lombardo

Environmental association

Gruppo Ornitologico Lombardo

Job Title

Environmental association


Gruppo Ornitologico Lombardo is an organization based in Lombardy with the purpose of study and protection of nature, with a special focus on birds, including the management and exploitation of areas of naturalistic interest. GOL is active in promoting didactics and environmental education and it promotes the naturalistic culture among the citizens through lessons, conferences, lectures and guided visits. 

Accordo di Stewardhip

Dissemination evenings on the species, Organization of specific moments (eg guided visits), information on the wolf in case of contacts with stakeholders (farmers, hunters…), information on the LWA-EU project on information and social channels of GOL

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