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Third Thematic Conference LIFE WolfAlps EU

The third LWA EU thematic conference “Innovative livestock protection” will be held on the 13 – 14 June 2022 in Austria at project partner headquartes AREC (HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein) – Seminarraum Schloss, Altirdning 11, 8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal, Hauser Kaibling.

The theme of the two-day event will be prevention. The first day will be devoted to more theoretical aspects, while the second day will include a field exercise in Hauser Kaibling. A participation fee will be charged for attendees in presence, while the streaming is for free (only the 13 morning will be streamed). You will find all the information you need to subscribe HERE!

Third Thematic Conference LIFE WolfAlps EU - Life Wolfalps EU
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